Unfortunately, we do not run this fundraiser anymore. However if you ever purchased a tile and helped us raising funds to build our visitors center, you can find your tile here by scrolling through or use the search button on our home page
Jovannie & Stephanie Casillas 2020 - 3 van Denzens +1 - The Quist Family May 2019 - Alfred de Vries Seattle - Margot Bosma - The Bertelson Family - Shelly & Roland 2017
Goldie & Syl - Linda & Jonathan Lucento Honeymoon 2020 - Jan Hein Poelmann - Milan Ruiz - Subaia & Felicia - Carol Bell & Michael Lightbody - Lori & Gail McGovern 2019
Wayne & Lisa Weathers - Thompson Family 2019 Marin Henry Dawn Jeff - John & Kristen Luc 2020 - Sandra & Armando Lua & Rasqui Mexico - Onno Annemieke Michael 2018 - Pelikaan & Lampe April 2019
In memory of littlest Killams - Aaron & Sara & David - Corissa & Tim 2016 - Sandra & Randi 2020 - Askham Bryan College Charlie Elle Saskia Carolin - Allison Lachance - The Edgerly's love donkeys 2020 - Bill & Kat Luyke - Brooke I Dugan 2018 - Joep Anne Sem love 2019
Rhett B. Dicarlo 2020 - For Ziggy; You can get ice cream after the donkeys are fed - Tim & Nadean Schnaible - Noelle & Gabe - Elise & Lisa Pillow - Aislynn Ann Linda - The Sheffield Family - Sarene loves Asses - Shaun Kenney Chicago -
Take Route 4a from the hotels and follow this road for 14 km, pass all the circles/roundabouts until you see a sign for the French Men’s Pass. Make a left turn onto the French Men’s Pass, then 1st left, 2nd right. On that dirt road you will find the Donkey Sanctuary after about 200 meters.
If you have a GPS device, navigate to these coordinates:  N 12°48.974’  W 069°96.642’  This will bring you to the entrance of the Donkey Sanctuary.
Or use Google Maps Directions