Since 2012 we have been cooperating closely with the British foundation `Everything is Possible', which is sending us students and volunteers. They are linked to Erasmus+, which is financed by the European Union.
click here for a promotion film, made by Raphael Harfaux for Everything is Possible
Moving Feet Opening Minds is the new international Vocational Educational Training (VET) project organized by Everything is Possible. This project is funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union. Moving Feet Opening Minds targets a wide spectrum of learners from five UK VET providers and staff from these and seven international partners. This project offers learners from the UK the opportunity to take part in a VET project; a unique experience abroad that will enhance their employability by helping them gain confidence, life and work skills (methodology and tools), but also develop wider horizons and open their minds to opportunities they would have if they remain in this field of study. In addition to this there are opportunities for staff from both UK and international partners to spend time teaching/training in another VET institution.
Various groups of youngsters have already assisted us with different programs, like Leonardo, Moving Feet Opening Minds and now the Different Kettle of Fish program. Everything is Possible recruited students at schools like Askham Bryan College and volunteers at institutes in York, Manchester and Leeds. The students or volunteers are very enthusiastic about the possibility to do an internship and/or volunteering abroad. For many it will be a turning point in their lives; They return with more self-confidence and some of them have figured out what they want to do in the future.
We are one of the many partners. Do you want to know more about us or the other organisations, please click on the pictures below!
Do you think you want to participate in this project? Please contact either Clair or Godfrey Brown through Everything is Possible www.everythingispossible.eu
Take Route 4a from the hotels and follow this road for 14 km, pass all the circles/roundabouts until you see a sign for the French Men’s Pass. Make a left turn onto the French Men’s Pass, then 1st left, 2nd right. On that dirt road you will find the Donkey Sanctuary after about 200 meters.
If you have a GPS device, navigate to these coordinates:  N 12°48.974’  W 069°96.642’  This will bring you to the entrance of the Donkey Sanctuary.
Or use Google Maps Directions