Denise and Mike Reeves adopted Kamino because he is sweet and resilient. Kamino is our 3 legged donkey. It has been 5 years since his leg was amputated. He is doing well, enjoys life and all the attention he gets.
Tina Dolan's brother adopted Tina (just for today Pumpkin's name is Tina) for his sister. He persuaded his sister with naming all the donkeys: Tina, to adopt so that he could get the only XXXL size T-shirt we had in our shop and that was an Adoption shirt.
Diane Kropp adopted Kamino, she says it is fantastic how he adjusted to having 3 legs.
Tina Dolan adopts Kodak for her boss Boyer because she loves animals.
Sandra adopted Nebula, our youngest donkey, in loving memory of Patricia Smith.
Take Route 4a from the hotels and follow this road for 14 km, pass all the circles/roundabouts until you see a sign for the French Men’s Pass. Make a left turn onto the French Men’s Pass, then 1st left, 2nd right. On that dirt road you will find the Donkey Sanctuary after about 200 meters.
If you have a GPS device, navigate to these coordinates:  N 12°48.974’  W 069°96.642’  This will bring you to the entrance of the Donkey Sanctuary.
Or use Google Maps Directions