The February 2007 newsletter has been published. Click here to view or to download. ( PDF format, 0.8 MB )
The Lovink family paid a visit to the sanctuary on
their bikes. Daughter Annemarie Bennis really enjoyed being around our donkeys. When the family was back in Holland, mother Janneke wanted to adopt a donkey for Annemarie for her birthday. She chose Blackie a very beautiful and friendly donkey as she had a picture of Annemarie with him.
The sister of the Foundation's Vice-President, Lillian Panjer- Eldering was on Aruba for several weeks. As she is always hearing about our donkeys she decided to adopt one for her family. Her choice was Kosh Kosh. Kosh Kosh will be a very well known donkey as a book has been written about him and is available at the Sanctuary in three different languages.
Yesterday Pat Weiss, her son Chris and daughter in law Barbara and granddaughter came to visit Crooked Ear, their long time adoption donkey. It was so nice to see how they interact with Crooky.....
The Keyclub of Colegio Arubano has been a great supporter of the Sanctuary for many years. Their adoptee is Boem Boem. October 2007 15 members of the Keyclub helped as volunteers at our family day. Every year on Animal Day they renew their adoption. Thank you not only for your support but also for all you help on Family Day. They helped make it a great success.
During all the activities we forgot to make a picture with the keyclub members. Sorry!
The February 2007 newsletter has been published. Click here to view or to download. ( PDF format, 0.8 MB )
Take Route 4a from the hotels and follow this road for 14 km, pass all the circles/roundabouts until you see a sign for the French Men’s Pass. Make a left turn onto the French Men’s Pass, then 1st left, 2nd right. On that dirt road you will find the Donkey Sanctuary after about 200 meters.
If you have a GPS device, navigate to these coordinates:  N 12°48.974’  W 069°96.642’  This will bring you to the entrance of the Donkey Sanctuary.
Or use Google Maps Directions