Mary and Rich Brady adopt different donkeys every year. This year they go for Pumpkin, our youngest donkey at the moment. The adoption was done online and this is what Rich wrote to us:"Cranberry! Pumpkin! Oh my gosh! Those are awesome names. I love both of those, but I especially love Pumpkin, as it's one of my favorite fruits. Pumpkin, please!!"
Stephanie Jon adopted Miranda Mirna, short Mira who was born right after her mom Snoopy came to live with us. Snoopy, Chica and Pirate were roaming the streets in the surroundings of our old place. We could lure them in with carrots.
We didn't know Snoopy was pregnant and one day when we went home we saw that Mira (in papiamento the word for "Look") was standing in the bushes of the sanctuary. We said to each other: "Look what we have there!!!)
This year Laura and Dan Engel adopted Chula again. They adopted Ninja and Pirate as well in the past. Every year they choose another donkey. Chula has been favorite though! Thank you for your ongoing support!
Maryann McColgan and her husband are coming to the sanctuary for many years. First they visited us at our old location. Today they decided to adopt Kroket, the donkey that sucks his tongue after eating a snack.
Karen van Dyke adopted Crooked Ear a.k.a. Kromoor in memory of her husband David van Dyke. Karen and her husband visited the sanctuary many years ago and never forgot about us.
Take Route 4a from the hotels and follow this road for 14 km, pass all the circles/roundabouts until you see a sign for the French Men’s Pass. Make a left turn onto the French Men’s Pass, then 1st left, 2nd right. On that dirt road you will find the Donkey Sanctuary after about 200 meters.
If you have a GPS device, navigate to these coordinates:  N 12°48.974’  W 069°96.642’  This will bring you to the entrance of the Donkey Sanctuary.
Or use Google Maps Directions
Opening hours: